Meet the Advancement Team

You want to make an impact. You may already know where you want to direct your gift, or you may want to learn more about the wide array of possibilities across Seattle Colleges.

Our Advancement Team will work with you to determine the best match for your interests and will keep you informed about each success along the way.

If you have any questions about giving opportunities, our scholarship programs, or general inquiries about our work, please contact us:

Phone: 206.934.2939

We will direct your message to the right person.

kerry photo

Kerry Howell
Vice Chancellor of Advancement

Michael headshot

Michael Beneke
Director of Communications

Jessica headshot

Jessica Caudle
Advancement Associate

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Andrew Greene
Major Gifts Officer

Kendra headshot

Kendra Hukill
Database Manager

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Whitney Keyes
Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Partnerships

Emma headshot

Emma Lacalli
Associate Director of Communications and Alumni Relations

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Anthony "Joey" McLemore II

jasmine headshot

Jasmine Meraz
Scholarship Manager

Whitney Nelson Headshot

Whitney Nelson
Scholarship Manager

Nick headshot

Nicholas Pennington
Executive Director of Finance and Administration

Alli Headshot

Allison "Alli" Riese
Major Gifts Officer

Traci Russell

Traci Russell
Executive Director of Planned Giving

Andrea headshot

Andrea Steele
Executive Director of Philanthropy

Andy headshot

Andrew "Andy" Valdez-Pape
Stewardship and Annual Fund Manager

annabel headshot

Annabel Cholico Williams
Director of Scholarships