Annual Giving Support
Giving from an individual that is less than $5,000 in a fiscal year, and is expected to be annually recurring, is considered "annual giving." Annual giving is the foundation for all fundraising efforts, providing a stable source of support for the Colleges. Many of these donors are part of the recurring giving society known as Chancellor’s Changemakers. Advancement’s Annual Giving Manager coordinates direct mail, digital media, and online campaigns with a goal to maximize retention and acquisition of broad-base support. They also serve as a resource for campus units who wish to solicit donors and prospective donors through targeted campaigns throughout the year.
Contact Andy Valdez-Pape, Annual Giving Manager
Consider embedding a donation form onto your department’s main webpage. Advancement would work with the appropriate communications staff to add a giving specific subpage to your site that would then be populated with images and content (provided by you) and the donation form (provided by Advancement). To get started, fill out and submit this form. Should you have multiple giving opportunities for donors to choose from, consider keeping a small list of fundraising priorities near the top of your giving subpage so that donors who want to support your most pressing needs read about those funds first.
Crowdfunding is known as Peer-to-Peer giving in the fundraising world. These types of giving campaigns are quickly established and administered directly by you. From research projects to class trips, all ideas are accepted if the money raised benefits the colleges. Follow this link to complete a couple of steps that will help you start your very own Together at Seattle Colleges campaign with donations received flowing into the fund that you dictate. The platform we use (JustGiving) even provides a resources hub where you can find technical support and tips and tricks about running your event, activity, or online campaign. Check it out.