Invest in our city's future

Stay in the Game Scholarship Fund

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From nurses, to early learning professionals, to electricians, social workers, ferry workers, carpenters, apparel designers and more, our city's future depends on skilled people. Gaining those skills takes higher education, but for many that feels increasingly out of reach — even at a community college like North, Central or South. For while our tuition is low, the cost of living in Seattle is high.

We're joining with the Seattle Mariners and — we hope — you to help more students round the bases of their Seattle Colleges education. Your support of new Stay in the Game Scholarships will help students with flexible funding for costs beyond tuition, letting them develop their talents and reach their dreams.  

Here's a powerful 2-minute video showing the impact of a scholarship on one of our 2023 grads.

Ready to contribute? It's easy!

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