Give Now – Seattle Promise

Seattle PromiseContribute to Seattle Promise

Gifts to this endowment fund help ensure Seattle Colleges can sustain the Seattle Promise – two years or 90 credits of free college tuition for all graduates of Seattle public high schools – today and into the future when the city of Seattle’s supporting education levy sunsets after its seven-year term. Learn more about Seattle Promise.

Note: In the comment section immediately below the gift amount section, please provide any additional specific details regarding your gift and intentions. Additionally, let us know:

  • How you want to be recognized – list the name or names – if different from the information in the billing address that follows
  • If you have included one or more of the Seattle Colleges in your will
  • If you wish to be contacted about leaving a legacy to the Seattle Colleges through an estate gift

Note: A gift management fee is levied on all gifts to ensure that operational support continues to inspire, steward, and inform donors who invest in student success, teaching and learning, and program excellence. Seattle Colleges Foundation does not sell, trade, or share donor information with any other organization.