Give Now to the Seattle Central College Food Pantry

 Your contribution will support the Food Pantry at Seattle Central College

Food Pantry

The Seattle Central College pantry has been growing and evolving to meet the needs of our unique campus community. 

  • According to the HOPE Center, three in five college students experience basic need insecurity - housing, food, utilities, or transportation. 
  • 39% of students enrolled in a 2-year program experienced Food Insecurity

You can help! Every dollar you generously share will ensure that the SCC pantry continues to be one of the reasons Central Seattle College is such a welcoming and nourishing place.

If you are interested in donating food, organizing a food drive please contact Zachary Hunter at first for a list of the most needed items and support.If you are a Seattle Central College community member looking for support, visit the pantry page HERE

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If you have questions about your gift, please contact or call 206.934.5491.

Note: A gift management fee is levied on all gifts to ensure that operational support continues to inspire, steward, and inform donors who invest in student success, teaching and learning, and program excellence. Seattle Colleges Foundation does not sell, trade, or share donor information with any other organization.